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Build and Run the application

The API generated consists of configuration to be run locally or on a docker container.

Build and run locally

Move to the <PROJECT-NAME>/simple-api/src/api folder and run the next commands in Command Prompt or Powershell

dotnet build
# Note that the template engine will rename your paths, so change the command accordingly
dotnet run --project xxENSONOxx.xxSTACKSxx.API/xxENSONOxx.xxSTACKSxx.API.csproj

Build and run in docker container

From the <PROJECT-NAME>/simple-api/src/api folder, build a Docker image using e.g. the command below:

Build docker image
docker build -t dotnet-api .

This uses the Dockerfile in this folder to generate the Docker image.

After the creation of the Docker image, the Docker container can be run using the command below:

Run docker container
docker run -p 5000:80 --mount type=bind,source=/path/to/PROJECT-NAME/simple-api/src/api/xxENSONOxx.xxSTACKSxx.API/appsettings.json,target=/app/config/appsettings.json

Verify that the application has started
Relationship between domain and path

Keep in mind that if you've changed the domain (original being Menu), the path will reflect that. If your domain is Foo. Then the path will be ../v1/foo instead of ..v1/menu etc.

Browse to http://localhost:5000/v1/menu. This should return a valid JSON response.

The application configuration uses Swagger/OAS3 to represent the API endpoints. The Swagger UI can be viewed by directing your browser to http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html.