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.NET Core - Azure DevOps Pipeline

The pipeline will automate provisioning and updating the .NET Core REST API with CQRS infrastructure in Azure.

Where possible, we are creating reusable steps (stacks-pipeline-templates) that can be pulled into any base pipeline. Reusable steps can include tasks to deploy, build, test and more.

Pipeline Diagram

.NET Core REST API - Azure DevOps Pipeline

Setting up Azure DevOps

Variable group

A variable group will need creating for storing variables to be used for testing steps. Instructions for creating a variable group can be found here. Give the variable group a name and description and make sure the Allow access to all pipelines option is checked.

Add the following variables:

Variable NameRequired forNote
COSMOSDB_KEY_DEVIntegration TestOutput from infrastructure deployment. Should be enabled after first pipeline run
COSMOSDB_NAME_DEVIntegration TestOutput from infrastructure deployment. Should be enabled after first pipeline run
COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT_URI_DEVIntegration TestOutput from infrastructure deployment. Should be enabled after first pipeline run
SONAR_ORGANIZATIONStatic Code Analysisfrom sonarcloud
SONAR_PROJECT_KEYStatic Code Analysisfrom sonarcloud
SONAR_PROJECT_NAMEStatic Code Analysisfrom sonarcloud
SONAR_TOKENStatic Code Analysisfrom sonarcloud
PACT_BEARER_TOKENContract Testfrom pact
PACT_BROKERContract Testfrom pact
Azure .NET Core Variable Group

Update pipeline template placeholders

Where possible, the scaffolding CLI will have populated the correct values in the pipeline template file build/azDevops/azure/api-pipeline.yml. The values that need to be manually configured, such as the variable group name setup previously, will have placeholders using the prefix %REPLACE_ME_FOR. We very much recommend that you go through the whole template to make sure that values are correct for your project. Once you are happy with the template, commit the changes to your repository.

Create the pipeline

Follow the steps below to create the pipeline and trigger the initial run.

  1. In the pipelines section of Azure DevOps, select New Pipeline.
  2. Select your repository.
  3. Select the Existing Azure Pipelines YAML files option and enter the path build/azDevops/azure/api-pipeline.yml
  4. Click run and wait for the pipeline to complete.
  5. Update the API variable group with the Cosmos DB details.
  6. Enable Integration Tests in build/azDevops/azure/api-pipeline.yml
  7. Commit changes to trigger the pipeline again.