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Testing with Cypress

Cypress is a powerful testing framework that has gained popularity for its robust features and ease of use. Developed and maintained by a dedicated community, Cypress offers a comprehensive solution for web automation testing. It focuses on providing a seamless cross-browser experience, allowing developers to write reliable and efficient tests across different browsers. Due to it's popularity we are supporting it as a test framework within Ensono Stacks!

Getting Started

Upon scaffolding your application with the Cypress testing framework, you will be presented with an example test suite and cypress configuration. The @nx/cypress NX plugin is used as a base for the Cypress/NX integration.

Cypress Configuration

Base configuration

The base configuration has been created with CI in mind, meaning the default configuration (shared across all projects) considers requirements for reporting and pipeline efficiency out of the box! This is created at the root of the project workspace and is used as the basis for each applications unique configuration.

import { nxE2EPreset } from "@nx/cypress/plugins/cypress-preset";

const appName = process.env.NX_TASK_TARGET_PROJECT as string;
const outputFolderForProject = process.env.CI
? `../../test-results/${appName}`
: "cypress/test-results";
const baseURL = process.env.BASE_URL || "http://localhost:4200/";
export const baseConfig: Cypress.ConfigOptions = {
// Test reporting configured with multiple reporters
reporter: "../../node_modules/cypress-multi-reporters",
// Spec: CI/Local (Default logging to console)
// mocha-junit-reporter: CI (JUnit XML reports for CI reporting)
// mochawesome: CI (Used for HTML report generation)
// Reports saved to asset folders to utilise automated 'trashAssets' mechanism
reporterOptions: {
reporterEnabled: !process.env.CI
? "spec"
: "spec, mocha-junit-reporter, mochawesome",
mochaJunitReporterReporterOptions: {
mochaFile: outputFolderForProject.concat(
// Mocha configuration for html reporting
mochawesomeReporterOptions: {
charts: true,
overwrite: false,
html: false, // set to false as will be generated during consolidation of json files
json: true,
reportDir: outputFolderForProject.concat("/downloads/reports-json-file"),
reportFilename: "[name].html",
embeddedScreenshots: true,
inlineAssets: true,
// Configuration for e2e tests
e2e: {
...nxE2EPreset(__dirname, { cypressDir: "cypress" }),
baseUrl: baseURL,
// All assets directed into output folder
screenshotsFolder: outputFolderForProject.concat("/screenshots"),
videosFolder: outputFolderForProject.concat("/videos"),
downloadsFolder: outputFolderForProject.concat("/downloads"),
videoUploadOnPasses: false,
// Assets, including html reports, trashed before each run
trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,
retries: {
runMode: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
// Configure cypress grep
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
return config;

Project based configuration

Within the application where cypress has been added a cypress configuration file for that specific application will have been created. Extending the base configuration this file can be used to add or change the default workspace configuration for cypress! See the official cypress docs for more information on configuring your test project!

import { defineConfig } from "cypress";

import { baseConfig } from "../../cypress.config.base";

export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
screenshotOnRunFailure: true,
video: true,


Writing tests

When building your Cypress tests it helps to have a version of the application deployed for capturing locators and verifying your tests function as intended.

You can serve your required application to localhost on port 4200 through the following command:

nx serve <app-name>

NX will then build and host your application, from here you can build/run your tests against a usable version of the application

nx serve next-app

> nx run next-app:serve:development

info - automatically enabled Fast Refresh for 1 custom loader
event - compiled client and server successfully in 8.5s (166 modules)
[ ready ] on http://localhost:4200

Running your Cypress tests

Using NX we can very easily run our tests, either for a specific project, or against any affected projects. NX will handle provisioning and tearing down of the web server automatically! Using the NX ‘affected’ capability allows you to run only the tests within a mono repo where the codebase has changes since the ‘master’ commit. (See the docs for more information)

nx e2e <app-name>

Run specific tests

Looking at the following example, we have tagged the test with @smoke-test within the test case name

it("should be up and running @smoke-test", () => {
cy.get("#hero").find("span").should("have.text", "You're up and running");

We utilise @cypress/grep to enable you to run this specific test. By specifying the grep parameter with the @smoke-test value alongside your run command, this specific test will be executed, similarly, if multiple tests contain @smoke-test within their name, they will also be executed.

nx e2e <app-name> --env.grep="@smoke-test"

Testing Output

Viewing your test results

Cypress has many configuration options for test reporting which can be found in the documentation.


Using the scaffolded base configuration all test results will be output to the terminal using cypress spec reporter, an example output can be seen below:

  Cypress example tests @example-cypress
- should take the user to the next steps part of the page when clicking whats next
√ App should be up and running @smoke
- App should have 5 learning materials @integration
1 passing (1s)
2 pending
│ Tests: 3
│ Passing: 1
│ Failing: 0
│ Pending: 2
│ Skipped: 0
│ Screenshots: 0
│ Video: false
│ Duration: 1 second │
│ Spec Ran: │
(Run Finished)
Spec Tests Passing Failing Pending Skipped
│ ✔ 00:01 3 1 - 2 - │
✔ All specs passed! 00:01 3 1 - 2 -


> NX Successfully ran target e2e for project next-cypress-application (29s)

With additional flags:

To change the reporter being used locally you can amend the cypress.config.ts to overwrite the reporter definition in the cypress.config.base.ts, view the Cypress documentation for further information!