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API Contract Testing With Pact

Consumer-Driven contract testing with Pact

Consumer-Driven Contract (CDC) Testing is a pattern that allows a consumer (i.e: a client) and a provider (i.e. an API provider) to communicate using an agreed contract (a pact).

The following documentation is an overview of the Pact implementation as part of the templated SSR web app.


The beforeAll and afterAll hooks in Jest is not before all tests but before each file.


These are reusable components that can be used for any Javascript consumer setup with pact-js.

We are using Jest to wrap pact-js to create the interactions and generate the Pacts for the web app as a consumer. Following the examples on pact-js.

There is full documentation for how contract testing works available on the Pact website.

A global 'provider' variable is set up in the [pactSetup.ts](./utils/pactSetup.ts) file. Then the [pactTestWrapper.ts](./utils/pactTestWrapper.ts) ensures each test file will have the provider setup for them.

The pactFileWriteMode option been set to update in the provider that the pacts append to. Please see pactFileWriteMode

Export the Consumer and Provider names when running locally, or define in Azure Pipelines Library
Generate and verify pacts against mock
npm run test:pact

Due to the afterAll hooks in Jest not invoking after all tests, but before each file, there is a [pactPublish](./utils/pactPublish.ts) script to publish the pacts to the configured broker.

Export broker credentials for running locally, or define in Azure Pipelines Library
export PACT_BROKER= \
Publish the pacts to the configured broker
npm run test:pact-publish

Pact stub service

Pact contracts are easily turned into locally running API stubs. They are great for use as a simple service to run integration tests against. This ensures that you can test your application without hitting the actual endpoint, and ensures the same response every time, without duplicating mock definitions.

If gives the consumer confidence that if the contract tests are passing with the provider, then the mocks should suffice to test parts of their application against.

No more updating stub responses that go out of date. Hooray!

The Pact files (.json) are generated when the Pact tests are run (npm run tests:pact), and are published to the broker on succeeding. To get the latest pact file to generate the stub service from, you can either:

  1. Run the tests, which will output the Pact .json files to [**tests**/pacts](./__tests__/pacts)
  2. Pull down the latest passing contracts from the broker (https://PACT_BROKER/pacts/provider/PROVIDER/consumer/CONSUMER/latest)

Once the files are sourced, it's as simple as starting the stub service either from the npm script in CI, or by calling the [pactStubServer.ts](./pact/packStubServer.ts) from your test.

To start the Pact stub server
npm run test:pact-start-stub

To test the server:

To test that the service is running and returning expected responses
curl -v localhost:8389/v1/menu/e98583ad-0feb-4e48-9d4f-b20b09cb2633 -H "Accept: application/json"

Please remember to always stop your server once done testing.

'Can I Deploy'

The Can I Deploy tool ensures you are safe to deploy your application. Before deploying to a new environment, you need to know if the version is compatible with the provider version. Instead of checking the broker, we can poll the broker and check programmatically with the latest versions.

Run can I deploy using the pact-js SDK
npm run test:pact-can-i-deploy-ci

The above command is called in the pipeline

Run can I deploy using the pact CLI
npm run test:pact-can-i-deploy-cli

Example output: This demonstrates that the consumer is safe to deploy, and will return exit code 0 (this means yes!).

INFO: Asking broker at if it is possible to deploy

Pact working example

We have included a Pact test which will deploy to a PactFlow broker, and verify against the MenuAPI .NET API. This is to ensure that there is an example working test that can be used as a reference.

Example ENV_VARS:

export PACT_CONSUMER=GenericMenuConsumer

Maintainers and contributors may obtain the PACT_BEARER_TOKEN if they request access to the PactFlow instance. Else, this will be run in the Azure DevOps Pipeline.


[get-menu-by-id.test.pact.ts](./get-menu-by-id.test.pact.ts) is an example test. This calls the [menuServive](./mocks/menuService.ts) Menu API when running locally.

When the tests pass, the contract will be written to [pacts](./pacts/genericmenuconsumer-menuapi.json), following the naming convention: <PACT_CONSUMER>-<PACT_PROVIDER>.

Some good practices: ✅ Use Pact Matchers to ensure we account for state change, e.g. no hardcoded values for menus in the database, see Pact Matchers Documentation for more information. ✅ Ensure that the provider state has been configured by the Provider

It's important to get the PACT_CONSUMER and PACT_PROVIDER names correct, as these form the key for verify.

⚠️ /pacts: these are checked in for reference only. Please do not change the outputted .json files. They are created on successful test runs by Pact. These will be published to the broker upon successful run in the pipeline, with the corresponding version tags.

Running "PACT" for Java Application

Prerequisite: Please provide the Pact_Broker_URL and Pact_Broker_Token to the provider's pom



- Consumer: Creating the contract
Run the '' class from the following path: api-tests/src/test/java/com/xxENSONOxx/xxSTACKSxx/api/pact/

Note: this step can be skipped in case the pact file already exists in .pact/pacts directory.
- Execute mvn pact:publish from 'api-tests' directory to publish the consumer pact to broker.
- Execute mvn pact:verify from the provider (java directory).
- Execute mvn pact:publish from 'java' directory to publish this pact to broker.
- Execute mvn pact:can-i-deploy -Dpacticipant=YOUR_CONSUMER_NAME -DpacticipantVersion=CONSUMER_VERSION -Dto=ENV_TO_DEPLOY from 'java' directory including this variables: to check if the versions of consumer and provider are compatible.