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Pre-deployment tests and reports

Running the tests

Tests within the code are grouped using Tag annotations. There are three groups: 'Unit', 'Component' and 'Integration'. To just run the unit tests, for example, type:

./mvnw test -Dgroups="Unit"

Similarly, for the Component tests, you should use:

./mvnw test -Dgroups="Component"

and the equivalent for running the Integration tests.


Test reports

A test report may be created from the test package in Java using the Surefire Plugin. The report file (as either XML or HTML) generated for each of the test classes can be found under ./target/surefire-reports.

Run the following command to create the report:

./mvnw surefire:test

To generate the Serenity report:

./mvnw clean verify

The report can be viewed under ./api-tests/target/site/serenity/index.html.

Code coverage report

The JaCoCo Code Coverage tool allows identifying how much of the code is run during the test suite execution. It is by no means an identifier of code and test quality in its own right but can be helpful for checking if logic paths have test coverage, especially for code updates. This library is run in the API pipeline, with output reports being made available to the CI tool being used.

To generate the JaCoCo report, please execute the following command:

./mvnw jacoco:report

The generated report can be viewed under ./target/site/jacoco/index.html.

Dependency checker report

The OWASP Dependency-Check is a Software Composition Analysis tool that attempts to detect publicly disclosed vulnerabilities contained within a project’s dependencies. Dependency-check has a command line interface, a Maven plugin, an Ant task, and a Jenkins plugin. The core engine contains a series of analyzers that inspect the project dependencies, collect pieces of information about the dependencies (referred to as evidence within the tool). To generate the dependency checker report please execute:

./mvnw clean install -Powasp-dependency-check

The generated report can be viewed under - ./target/dependency-check.html.

Optional: Mutation testing

PIT mutation testing is used to generate mutation tests (see PIT Documentation for details). The mutation coverage goal analyses all classes in the codebase that match the target tests and target class filters. To run it:

./mvnw org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage

The generated report can be viewed under – ./target/pit-reports/YYYYMMDDHHMI.

Running tests in parallel threads - Using forks

Choosing the right forking strategy and parallel execution settings can have a substantial impact on the memory requirements, and the execution time of the build system. Using multiple forks can be a good alternative to running all tests in a single JVM, and can reduce the risk of certain types of errors.

Using Forked Test Execution, new JVM processes are spun up to execute the tests, up to a configurable maximum number of processes. This creates better separation between tests, which can improve their reliability.

Maven is set to spawn new processes by the forkCount configuration element, as shown here below. This can either be a number (the maximum number of forks) or a multiplier (the number of forks per CPU). The current configuration uses the value of "2", which means 2 forked processes per CPU:


Access token configuration

In order to make the authenticated requests (pass Bearer Token into headers) for the functional tests, please change the value of generate.auth0.token from serenity.conf file config to 'true'. Also, to get the right access token please provide values for following variables in the environment variables:


In case the Authorization Token is not required the generate.auth0.token value is false


The more threads are used, the higher the chances of sporadic, hard-to-reproduce test failures due to timeouts and other related issues. The added performance gain of each thread also tends to drop off for higher numbers of threads.