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Getting started with the Java Rest API application

Using the repository to build the Java Spring Boot Rest API application

Running the application locally

  1. Clone one of the Java workloads to your local machine from one of the following repos

    1. Simple web API: stacks-java repository
    2. Web API with CQRS: stacks-java-cqrs repository
    3. Web API with CQRS and events: stacks-java-cqrs-events repository
  2. Configure the application


The application is currently configured to work with the Azure environment only.

It uses an Azure CosmosDB database to store the example application data. So you should have access to an instance to use with the application.


For running on a local environment you can use the Cosmos DB emulator (CosmosDB Emulator has a known fixed key). There is no need for CosmosDB for the simple web API implementation (1.i above) as there is no persistence layer in it. For further info please follow the link.

Set the cosmosdb URI, databaseName and key in main application configuration file (application.yml) using the values coming from the CosmosDB Emulator UI.

uri: xxxxxx
database: xxxxxx
key: xxxxxx

In addition, Azure ApplicationInsights is used for logging purposes. If this is unavailable, modify the application so that it doesn't fail to startup if it can't access ApplicationInsights, and simply log to the terminal instead.

instrumentation-key: xxxxxx
enabled: false

Alternatively, you can use Spring local profile, which is configured to not require cloud infrastructure to run. For the details, please follow the Spring Profiles article.

There are two corresponding environment variables that need to be set to interact with these systems:


Set the two environment variables as additional variables within e.g. ~/.profile or /etc/profile.

  1. Build and run the application

    Note that at a minimum Java 11 should be installed.

    Move to the <PROJECT-NAME>/java folder, then

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run

    For instructions on how to customise the project for your company please look in the Scaffolding section

  2. Build and run the application using Cosmos DB Emulator

    Please refer to section "Determine which root certificates have been installed" in Setting Up CosmosDB Emulator

    Move to the <PROJECT-NAME>/java folder, then go to application.yml either comment out the application-insights block or set enabled property to false.

    In logback-spring.xml comment out two sections relating to the application-insights (both the appender and the logger).

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <appender class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender" name="console">
    <pattern>%d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} %magenta([%thread]) | %X{CorrelationId} |
    %highlight(%-5level) %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
    <!-- <appender class=""
    </appender> -->
    <root level="info">
    <appender-ref ref="console"/>
    <!-- <root level="info">
    <appender-ref ref="aiAppender"/> -->

    Set COSMOSDB_KEY as an environment variable and set the value to be the primary key value on the emulator.

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run'"<Location of the root cosmos db certificate>""changeit"'
  3. Verify that the application has started

    Browse to http://localhost:9000/v1/menu. This should return a valid JSON response.

    The application configuration uses Swagger/OAS3 to represent the API endpoints. The Swagger UI can be viewed by directing your browser to http://localhost:9000/swagger/index.html.


All API endpoints are (optionally) protected using Auth0. There is an file within the project codebase. If the following property within this file is set:


then clients will need to pass an Authorization header containing the Bearer token generated from Auth0 as part of the endpoint request. If the value is set to false then no authorization is required.

Auth0 configuration properties

If using Auth0 for authorization, Auth0 itself will need to be configured with both an API definition and an associated Application. There are corresponding configuration values required for the Ensono Stacks application, within the file, e.g.


These parameters are used to verify that the JWT supplied in the Authorization header of a request is valid.


Health check

  • Available at: health check (This can also be configured to run on another port)

Using a Docker image

Install Docker for Windows

From the <PROJECT-NAME>/java folder, build a Docker image using e.g. the command below:

docker build --tag stacks:1.0 .

This uses the Dockerfile in this folder to generate the Docker image.

If you have an .m2 directory in the java/ folder, the Docker build will attempt to copy the files inside the container and use the cached versions.

Once the Docker image is created, you can then run a Docker container based on this image using e.g.


which passes in the two required environment variables from your own environment.