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Using the @ensono-stacks/playwright plugin can help you get started with testing using playwright, with it's comprehensive feature set this plugin helps you capitalise on those features by accelerating your setup process and providing examples to get you started.

Additionally, playwright tests can be added to your deployment pipelines through the various deployment generators.


Visit the Frontend Testing in an Nx monorepo and Testing with Playwright user guides for more information!

Setting up @ensono-stacks/playwright

Install the @ensono-stacks/playwright plugin with the following command:

npm install --save-dev @ensono-stacks/playwright@latest

Executors and Generators

To see a list of the plugin capabilities run the following command:

nx list @ensono-stacks/playwright

View additional information about a plugin capability through the following command:

nx g @ensono-stacks/playwright:[generator-executor-name] --help



Create a playwright test project for your chosen application

The init generator creates a playwright project for the application you choose.


nx g @ensono-stacks/playwright:init

Upon calling the init generator you will be presented with the following question:

  • What app would you like to generate a test project for?
  • The name of the existing application to generate a test project for (named <app-name\>-e2e)

Command line arguments

The following command line arguments are available:

--projectThe name of the application to generate a test project forstring

Generator Output

The init generator will create a new test project for your chosen application containing an example test and predefined configuration for the monorepo and the individual test projects. By default the init generator will configure both a baseline playwright configuration and an individual project base playwright configuration.

Generated files
├── apps
│ ├── <app-name>-e2e
│ │ ├── src
│ │ │ ├── example.spec.ts #Example tests using playwright
│ │ ├── playwright.config.ts #Example playwright configuration catering for multiple browsers and devices
│ │ ├── project.json #Configuration for the project, including various NX targets
│ │ ├── tsconfig.e2e.json #E2E typscript config file
│ │ ├── tsconfig.json #typscript config file
│ │ ├── .eslintrc.json #Linting configuration for the e2e project

Visit the Testing with Playwright documentation for further details!


Adds axe accessibility tests to your test project

The accessibility generator installs @axe-core/playwright and configures an example accessibility test


nx g @ensono-stacks/playwright:accessibility

Command line arguments

The following command line arguments are available:

--project -pThe name of the test project to add accessibility tests tostring

Generator Output

Scaffolding accessibility testing will add two dependencies to the package.json:

  1. @axe-core/playwright - The accessibility test engine
  2. axe-result-pretty-print - Result formatter

Additionally, an example accessibility test will be generated, showcasing how to utilise both axe and axe-result-pretty-print to scan your application for accessibility violations:

Generated files
├── apps
│ ├── <app-name>-e2e
│ │ ├── src
│ │ │ ├── axe-accessibility.spec.ts #Example accessibility test using playwright

Visit the Accessibility Testing documentation for further details!


Adds native or cloud based visual regression to your test suite

The visual-regression generator provides you with the option to scaffold visual regression tests and configuration through a cloud based provider or Playwrights native visual comparison API.


nx g @ensono-stacks/playwright:visual-regression

Upon calling the visual-regression generator you will be presented with a number of options:

  • What type of visual regression tests would you like to use?

Command line arguments

The following command line arguments are available:

OptionDescriptionTypeAccepted ValuesDefault
--project, -pThe name of the existing playwright test app to enhancestring
--type, -tMethod used to conduct visual testingstring[choices: "native", "applitools"]none

Generator Output

Playwright with native visual comparisons

Opting to scaffold native visual testing will make a number of amendments to your test projects configuration:

  1. playwright.config.ts snapshot configuration: Configuration for your visual tests
  2. playwright-visual-regression.spec.ts: Sample test showcasing how to perform visual testing using playwrights native visual comparison api.
  3. project.json: Additional task set up to enable you to run your visual regression tests using the playwright:jammy container
Generated files
├── apps
│ ├── <app-name>-e2e
│ │ ├── src
│ │ │ ├── playwright-visual-regression.spec.ts #Example visual test using playwright

Visit the Playwright with visual comparisons documentation for further details!

Playwright with Applitools Eyes

Opting to scaffold visual testing with applitools will make a number of amendments to your test projects configuration:

  1. @applitools/eyes-playwright: Dependency added to package.json
  2. playwright.config.ts project configuration: Standalone project configuration to isolate visual tests with Applitools Eyes
  3. applitools-eyes-grid.spec.ts: Sample test showcasing how to perform visual testing using the Applitools Eyes Grid.
Generated files
├── apps
│ ├── <app-name>-e2e
│ │ ├── src
│ │ │ ├── applitools-eyes-grid.spec.ts #Example visual test using playwright

Visit the Playwright with Applitools Eyes documentation for further details!



Enables you to execute your playwright tests

The playwright executor is an executor provided by NX and enables you to run your e2e tests.


The following command will run all of the playwright tests within your e2e test folder, as part of the executor it will automatically spin up a web server on local host for the corresponding application.

nx e2e <app-name>-e2e

Command line arguments

See the @nx/playwright plugin page for a list of up to date command line arguments