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Configure Deployment & Infra to support Redis in your Next application

The next-auth-redis-deployment generator will add required Redis config into your existing Next app with Next-auth.


An existing Next application with Next-auth. Use the @ensono-stacks/next:next-auth generator to add this into your application


nx g @ensono-stacks/next:next-auth-redis-deployment

Command line arguments

The following command line arguments are available:

OptionDescriptionTypeAccepted ValuesDefault
--projectThe name of the projectstringstringN/A

Generator Output

When infrastructure is detected for the application, these files will be enhanced to cater for Redis:

  • "app-name"/build/values[-prod].yaml files will have 3 new entries added for redis
redisURL: ""
nextAuthSecret: ""
nextAuthURL: <app-name>.<internal/external domain>
  • "app-name"/terraform/ will have a new azurerm_redis_cache resource added. The file will have these corresponding variables defined
resource "azurerm_redis_cache" "default_primary" {
name = var.redis_name
location = var.redis_resource_group_location
resource_group_name = var.redis_resource_group_name
capacity = var.redis_capacity
family = var.redis_family
sku_name = var.redis_sku_name
minimum_tls_version = var.minimum_tls_version
  • "app-name"/terraform/[prod/nonprod].tfvars will have additional variables added.
redis_name =
"<company>-<domain>-<prod/nonprod>-<cloud region>-<business component>";
redis_resource_group_location = "%REPLACE%";
redis_resource_group_name =
"<company>-<domain>-<prod/nonprod>-<cloud region>-<business component>";

Be sure to update the redis_resource_group_location value

  • "app-name"/terraform/ will have the redis_connection_string added
output "redis_connection_string" {
sensitive = true
value = "rediss://:${azurerm_redis_cache.default_primary.primary_access_key}@${azurerm_redis_cache.default_primary.hostname}:${azurerm_redis_cache.default_primary.ssl_port}"
  • "app-name"/.env.local will have the REDIS_URL env variable added and set
  • "app-name"/project.json will have the helm-upgrade commands updated to use the NEXTAUTH_SECRET
"helm-upgrade": {
"executor": "nx:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"command": "helm upgrade [... unchanged ...] --set nextAuthSecret=\\\"$NEXTAUTH_SECRET\\\"",
"forwardAllArgs": false
"cwd": "apps/baseline-next-app/build/terraform"
"configurations": {
"prod": {
"commands": [
"command": "helm upgrade [... unchanged ...] --set nextAuthSecret=\\\"$NEXTAUTH_SECRET\\\"",
"forwardAllArgs": false

For Azure DevOps, the NEXTAUTH_SECRET needs to be added to the <company\>-<component\>-<domain\>-nonprod and <company\>-<component\>-<domain\>-prod' variable groups