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Add cypress E2E tests to your deployment pipelines

The init-deployment generator adds e2e testing to pre-existing deployment pipelines, including test reporting and artefact uploads.


  1. The @ensono-stacks/workspace:init-deployment has been executed, producing the required deployment files for the workspace


nx g @ensono-stacks/cypress:init-deployment

Generator Output

# New e2e:ci task definition will be added to the tasks.yaml, defining what target should be ran for projects when executing the e2e task
description: Run e2e tests in ci
- npx nx affected --base="$BASE_SHA" --target=e2e --parallel=1
# New e2e:ci task will be added to the taskctl pipeline, adding e2e tests following unit testing
- task: e2e:ci
depends_on: test:ci
# Generate HTML report for all affected projects
- task: Bash@3
condition: and(succeededOrFailed(),eq(variables.HASTESTRESULTS, 'true'))
displayName: Generate Reports
targetType: inline
script: npx nx affected --base="$BASE_SHA" --target=html-report
--configuration=ci --parallel=1
# New test reporting steps will be added to the azuredevops pipeline
- task: PublishTestResults@2
# Configuration for publishing test results
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
# Configuration for publishing pipeline artefacts